* Sorry, we do not board cats (Boarding is subject to change)

Boarding Agreement
Should any boarding animal become ill, or seem to be in the need of medical attention, we reserve the right to administer aid on or to use any available veterinarian. Any expenses so incurred shall be paid by the owner, in addition to the other fees listed below. Daily boarding begins at the date entered above. Customer agrees to notify this kennel in advance if there is any change in the date this boarding animal is to be picked up. No boarding animal will be released until all charges are paid in full. Any animal left uncalled for or unpaid for, shall be taken to a shelter 7 days from the scheduled date of pick-up(as noted herein). Owner shall remain liable for complete boarding bill as well as all other charges incurred in the care collection of any boarding, grooming, or other charges incurred by the owner of the animal or his agent.
We use chicken (broth, dog food & breast), hot dogs or peanut butter for encouraged eating or to medicate. Pepto bismal for diarrhea, Benadryl for allergies. We give bed & blankets. There is no charge for encouraged eating or bedding.
We stongly recommend that you do not feed your dog 2 hours before dropping off or picking up, also your dog will not be given an a.m. or p.m. meal depending on when you have scheduled to pick up, please also limit water intake. Feeding and allowing your dog to have water can cause severe intestinal upset from a car ride and excitement.